As we speak, Justin Trudeau is poised to resign as the Prime Minister of Canada.
Let’s face it: Not even his wife could put up with him after a while, especially after the whole Covid crisis. Or should I say madness?
We know that “the clothes don’t make the man,” but as we can see in the image above, clothes seemed to be a crucial part of Trudeau’s diplomatic dealings. If I were still writing in my native Portuguese, I would also say that “he changes opinions as he changes his clothes,” or something along those lines.
Trudeau’s contributions to the woke playbook were among the most radical in this sad era of nonsense. Among them, the dreadful MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying), which went so far as to encourage people to die due to temporary mental health issues, or, to be blunt, if they cost too much money to the government. In other words, they are much better off dead. For the economy, I mean.
One of the lowest points in Trudeau’s trajectory to oblivion was his response to the truckers’ protest during Covid, freezing their bank assets to a point that the poor truckers could not afford a cup of coffee. Several ended up in jail for stating an opinion. So much for the freedom of speech.
With the post-Trump victory “vibe shift” going global, Trudeau’s survival was becoming more unlikely by the day.
Allegedly, today is the day. (As I was writing, Trudeau was on TV, announcing his resignation in English and French). Symbolically, it is the same day that Trump — the foul-mouthed elected president of the United States who wanted to nominate Trudeau as the governor of the Great State of Canada — will be officially certified by the electoral college.
A rainy day filled with omens.